Do Mathematicians Make the Best Lovers?
This nerd is impressed. I just need to remember this if I’m ever around a woman and a chalk board.
“Go Fly a Kite!” — If Peanuts Appeared in Scientific American
I’m planning to go see the new Peanuts movie in the theater tomorrow. I’ve also got the animated Thanksgiving special at home ready to go. So since I’m in the Peanuts mood I thought it was a great time to share this comic. What is really cool is that this was originally published in Mad […]
How to Tell Time Using Your Hands and the Sun
We used to use our fingers in astronomy class as well for quickly locating certain planets and stars. The above comic was created by Howtoons.
Are You Smarter Than a First-Grader From Hong Kong?
This isn’t really a comic. Right now this image and similar ones like it are circulating around the internet. The story is that this is from an admissions test for first grade students at an elementary school in Hong Kong. We are shown this image: So in 20 seconds can you figure that answer […]